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검은사막BDO:)신규 캐릭터 노바NOBA 전승&각성 전투 영상/소개

찬홍님의 검은사막 BDO/업데이트&이벤트

by 찬양하는이홍기님 2020. 12. 31. 21:16




"크투란의 가시를 두른 전사들이여너희가  살아있는 크투란이다.

너희들이 살아있는  오르제카는 영원하다."


영원이라는 말처럼 가슴을 짓누르는 무거운 단어가  있을까요?


아버지저는 당신이 미처 들려주지 못한 어릴  사라진 왕국에 대한 이야기를

빛의 신이 버린  약속의 땅에서 다시 찾게 되었습니다.

버림받은 아이들을 크투란의 뿌리로 인도했다던 대제사장 에키드나의 이야기를요.


"가시는  영원을 조건으로 여신께서 내리신 선물이니라."


크투란의 가시를 두르고 그로부터 발현되는 무기를

자유자재로 다루며 적들을 학살했다는 에키드나의 아이들.

그리고 그들이 전장에서 흘린 피가 크투란의 자양분이 되어

 고대 왕국에 찬란한 황금기를 가져왔다는 기록을 보고

저는 에키드나의 발자취를 따라 죽어버린 크투란의 뿌리로 내려갔습니다.


"시련을 이겨내는 오직 착한 아이들만이 가시의 여제가   있단다."


아래로 내려갈수록 비릿한  냄새와 무언가를 태운 듯한 향이 올라왔지만

그때마다 에키드나의 간지러운 속삭임이 들려오는   착각이었을까요?

그리고 다시 눈을 떴을  온몸이 식은땀으로 젖어있었습니다.

어떻게 그곳을 빠져나왔는지는 기억이 나지 않았습니다.

그러나 아버지당신과 칼페온에서 마지막 별을 보았던 날이 문득 떠올랐습니다.


" 죄를 용서하라"

황금 독수리의 날개가 장식된 당신의 열쇠를 건네주시며 말씀하셨죠.


"끝나지 않을 영원한 싸움 속에  밀어버린  용서하라."

그때는 당신이 내게 눈물을 보인 처음이자 마지막 순간이었습니다.

저는 이해하지 못했지만왠지 당신의 말이 너무 야속하여

당신의 열쇠를 가슴  깊이 묻어버렸습니다.


" 자신을 잊지 마라내게 프란체스카 세릭은 오직  하나뿐이다."






"죽은 자들의 악시안"

죽어서도 피로 얼룩진 왕관을 짊어지게  고대 왕국의 마지막 .

가시의 여제에게 구제를 기다리다.


아버지에키드나의 발자취를 따라 크투란의 뿌리 아래 다녀온   이후

악몽을  때마다 저는 고대왕국의 낡은 역사를 읽었습니다.

버림받은 추종자들을 거두어 군대를 만들고

어린 크투란의 가지를 땅에 심어 왕좌를 되찾을 약속의 날을 기다렸습니다.


델로레  실비아.

다시 차가운 별이 떠오르리라나의 왕국 칼페온에


그러나 당신과 맺은 약속의 날보다  악몽이 현실이 되는 날이 먼저 오고야 말았습니다.

크투란의 뿌리 아래에서 잘못  것이라 굳게 믿었던 그녀가  찾아왔습니다.


이제 삶과 죽음에 일그러진 여신의 힘으로

땅에 피를 흩뿌려 나의 것을 되찾으려 하오니


그녀는 에키드나가 말한 여신의 시련일까요?

아니면 아버지당신이 고백한 죄의 산물일까요?


 이름은 프란체스카 세릭칼페온 왕국의 적법한 후계자.


나의 얼굴과 나의 목소리나의 기억과 나의 감정을 가진

그녀가 샛별을  들고 내게 일그러진 여신의 한기를 뿜습니다.


아버지승리의 여신에게 기도해주십시오.

진정한 왕좌의 후계자를 가리기 위한 절대 물러날  없는

 죽음의 결투에서 살아남는 오직   만이

신단수의 가시를 품게  것이니까요


"You are the living Kturan, warriors with the thorns of Kturan.
As long as you are alive, Orzeka will last forever."

Is there another heavy word that weighs on your chest like the word eternity?

Father, I'm going to tell you a story about a kingdom that disappeared when you were a child.
I found it again in this promised land abandoned by the Lord of Light.
The story of Ekidna, the high priest who led the abandoned children to the roots of the Khturan.

"The thorn is a gift from the goddess on condition of eternity."

He's wearing Kturan's thorns, and he's got a weapon coming out of him.
Ekidna's children who treated their enemies freely and slaughtered them.
And the blood they shed on the battlefield became the nourishment of Kturan.
The records show that he brought a glorious golden age to the ancient kingdom.
I followed Ekidna's footsteps down to the root of the dead Kturan.

"Only good children who overcome trials can be the goddess of thorns."

As I went down, I could smell the smell of blood and the smell of burning something.
Was it my mistake to hear Ekidna's ticklish whisper every time?
And when I opened my eyes again, my whole body was wet with cold sweat.
I couldn't remember how I got out of there.
But father, I suddenly remembered the day when I saw you and the last star in Calpheon.

"Forgive me my sins."
You handed me your key with the golden eagle's wings decorated.

"Forgive me the day I pushed you into an eternal fight that won't end."
It was the first and last moment when you showed tears to me.
I didn't understand, but somehow your words were so hard on me.
I buried your key deep in my heart.

"Don't forget yourself. To me, Francesca Seric is only you."


"The King of the Dead, Akhsi."
The last king of the ancient kingdom to bear a blood-stained crown.
await relief from the thorny queen

Father, since the day I followed Ekidna's footsteps under the roots of the Khturan,
Whenever I had nightmares, I read the old history of the ancient kingdom.
They'll gather their abandoned followers and build an army.
We waited for the day of the promise to reclaim the throne by planting young Khturan branches in the ground.

Delorea Sylvia.
A cold star will rise again in my kingdom of Calpheon.

But the day when my nightmare became a reality came before the day of the promise I made with you.
Under the roots of Kturan, she came to see me, believing that I had misread it.

Now, with the power of the goddess distorted by life and death,
I will scatter blood on the ground to restore mine.

Is she the ordeal of the goddess that Ekidna talked about?
Or is it the product of your confession, Father?

My name is Francesca Serik, the legitimate successor to the Kingdom of Calpheon.

with my face and my voice, my memories and my feelings
She pulls out a new star and gives me the chills of a distorted goddess.

Father, pray to the goddess of victory.
There's no way we'll ever be able to back down to determine the true heir to the throne.
Only one person who survives this death duel
You're going to have a divinatory thorn in you.

크투란의 가시로 죽은 자들의 ,

악시안을 깨운 노바는 악시안과 계약을 맺고 새로운 힘을 얻게 됩니다.


거대하고 무시무시한 뿔과 날개를 가진 악시안은 다시 샛별과 크라툼을  노바의

생명력과 기존 친위대를 제물로 삼아  자들의 세상에 죽음을 드리웁니다.


소환된 악시안은 적이 쉽게 닿을  없는 하늘에서 적을 공격함과 동시에

노바가 생명력과 신성력을 회복할  있도록 샛별을 검게 물들입니다.


노바 또한 향상된 기술들로 더욱 부드럽게 움직이며

 친위대와 함께 모든 것을 파괴시키는 힘을 선보입니다.


적재적소에 악시안을 활용하여 넓은 전장을 지배하는 노바의 모습을 감상해보세요.


The king of the dead by the thorns of the Kturan,
After waking up Akhian, Nova signed a contract with Akhian and gained new strength.

With its huge, terrifying antlers and wings, Akhcian is again a member of Nova's family with a new star and kratum.
We sacrifice life and the existing guard to bring death to the world of the living.

The summoned Akkhian attacked the enemy in the sky, which he could not easily reach.
Darken the star so that Nova can restore its vitality and holiness.

Nova also moves more smoothly with improved technologies.
Showing off the power to destroy everything with the new SS.

Watch Nova dominating the wide battlefield by using accian in the right place.


전승을 선택한 노바는 기존처럼 샛별과 크라툼을 이용한 묵직하면서 균형잡힌 공격들을 구사할 수 있습니다.
특히 기술간 연계가 더 다양해지고, 이동 기술이 약간 강화됩니다.


전승 노바의 가장 큰 특징은 새로운 소환수(친위대)인 '악시안'의 등장입니다.


악시안은 노바의 생명력 일부와 보병 친위대를 희생시켜 소환할 수 있고,
소환된 이후 기존 친위대처럼 노바가 공격할 때마다 명령을 내려 합동 공격이 가능합니다.


또한, 악시안이 소환돼 있으면 샛별에 그 힘이 깃들어,
노바가 기술을 사용할 때마다 그녀의 생명력과 신성력이 회복되기도 하며,
특히 노바가 위험에 쳐했을 때, 그녀의 의지와 상관없이 악시온은 스스로 폭주하여 적을 공격하기도 합니다.


With the victory, Nova can use heavy, balanced attacks using the star and kratum as usual.
In particular, there are more links between technologies and slightly more mobile technologies.

The biggest feature of the victory Nova is the emergence of a new summoner, Akhsi.

Akshian can be summoned at the expense of some of Nova's life and infantry.
After being summoned, like the existing SS, Nova can issue commands whenever she attacks to enable joint attacks.

Also, if Akshian is summoned, the star will have its power,
Every time Nova uses technology, her life and spirituality are restored.
In particular, when Nova is in danger, Akhsion may flood himself and attack the enemy regardless of her will.

절대 물러날  없는 승부 속에서 일그러진 여신의 힘이 담긴 크투란의 가시,

스팅을 얻은 노바는 그로부터 발현되는 무기를 자유자재로 다루며 적을 학살합니다.


사용하는 기술에 따라 길고 뾰족한 검과 낫의 형태로 달라지는 스팅을 두른 노바는

레이피어와 같은 느낌처럼 빠른 패턴의 찌르기 위주 공격과

고리를 활용한 변칙적인 동선으로 인정사정 없이 적을 몰아붙입니다.


또한 각성한 노바는 공격 시마다 적으로부터 별의 숨결이라는 특수자원을 얻으며,

축적한 자원이 한계치에 도달하였을  노바의 일부 기술들이 강화되면서,

더욱 강력하고 빠른 공격을 펼칩니다.


진정한 가시의 여제로 올라선 노바의 화려한 움직임에 현혹되지 마세요. 


Kturan's thorns containing the power of the goddess in a match that can never be withdrawn.
After getting the Sting, Nova handles the weapons he reveals and slaughtered the enemy.

Depending on the technology used, the long, pointed sword and sickle-shaped strip-clad Nova will be the only one to wear.
It's a rapid pattern of stab attacks, like a rapier feel.
Use the hook to drive the enemy without mercy with an anomalous movement.

In addition, the awakened Nova gets a special resource, the breath of stars, from the enemy at each attack.
As some of Nova's technologies were strengthened when the accumulated resources reached their limits,
More powerful and faster attacks.

Don't be misled by Nova's spectacular movements on the throne of true thorns.

각성한 노바는 분위기가 반전되며,
크투란의 가시가 팔을 감싸며 그로부터 형상화되는 무기 '스팅'을 다룰 수 있게 됩니다.


스팅은 기본적으로 레이피어와 같은 형태로 유지되며,
노바의 각성기술들 역시 이 무기를 이용한 여러 왕실검술로 구성됩니다.

또한, 스팅은 순간적으로 거대한 낫 형태로도 전환돼, 전방이 아닌 넓은 범위로도 공격이 가능합니다.


각성 노바의 가장 큰 특징은 '특이점 돌파'와 그로 인한 굉장히 빠른 속도감에 있습니다.


각성한 노바는 기술을 사용할 때마다 '별의 숨결'을 쌓을 수 있고,
이를 '특이점 돌파'로 폭발시켜 가속 상태로 전환할 수 있습니다.


이 가속 상태가 되면 노바의 모든 각성기술의 성능이 향상되고,
무엇보다 움직임과 동작이 빨라져, 이 속도감을 토대로 화려하고 강력한 공격들을 퍼부울 수 있습니다.


The awakened Nova reversed the atmosphere.
Kturan's thorns surround the arms and can handle the weapon 'sting' that is shaped from them.

Sting is essentially in the same form as the layer.
Nova's awakening techniques also consist of several royal swordsmen using this weapon.
In addition, the stings are instantly converted into huge sickles, allowing attacks to a wide range, not forward.

The biggest characteristic of awakening Nova is its 'breakthrough' and its rapid speed.

He can build star breaths whenever he uses technology.
This can be exploded into a 'out of the box' and turned into an accelerated state.

This acceleration improves the performance of all of Nova's awakening techniques.
Above all, movement and movement are faster, so based on this speed, we can launch colorful and powerful attacks.

2021년 1월 6일, 신축년과 함께 노바의 전승 & 각성이

모험가 여러분 곁으로 찾아갑니다!


January 6, 2021, Nova's victory and awakening with the new year
I'm coming to you, adventurers!


노바 전승&각성이 벌써 나온다고 합니다..!

전 각성이 더 취향일 것 같아요!

비각성 상태에서도 꽤나 재밌었는데..

각성을 하면 공속도 빨라진다니...!

엄청 기대가 됩니다~


Nova Victory & Awakening is already coming out!
I think awakening will be more my taste!
I had a lot of fun when I was unconscious.
Awakening will speed up the air!
I'm really looking forward to it.

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