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검은사막BDO:) 칼페온 왕국의 마지막 별, 노바

찬홍님의 검은사막 BDO/업데이트&이벤트

by 찬양하는이홍기님 2020. 12. 15. 22:53


칼페온 왕국의 마지막 별, 노바 캐릭터가 업데이트 된다고 합니다!

The last star of the Kingdom of Calpheon, Nova characters, will be updated



한손 방패와 한손 둔기(메이스?)를 쓰는 팔라딘? 직업이라고 합니다!


가디언도 방패 둔기였는데..

묵직하면서 강한 느낌으로 나온것 아닐까 싶어요 ㅠㅠ

A one-handed shield and a one-handed blunt instrument? It's a job!
Well ...
The Guardian was a shield blunt.
I think it's a heavy and strong feeling. ㅠㅠ

"크투란께서는 오로지 착한 아이들만 약속의  오딜리타로 인도하신단다."

"Kturan leads only good children to the promised land of Odilita."



아버지저는 당신을 앗아간 모래 폭풍에서

어릴  사라진 왕국을 노래한 당신의 자장가를 들었습니다.

 멀리 빛의 신이 버린 메마른 땅에서 태어난

불쌍한 아이들을 거두어 보살핀다는  가시나무의 이야기를요.
Father, I'm not going to let you know that I're in a sandstorm
I heard your lullaby that sang about a kingdom that disappeared when I was young.
Born far away in the dry land abandoned by the Lord of Light.
The story of a thorn tree that takes care of poor children.


"아이들은 매해 가장 밝은 달이 뜨는 오딜리타로 떠나는 유일한 문인

크투란의 뿌리로 들어가기 위해 하루에 일곱 번의 제사를 지냈단다.

나라에 전쟁이 일어났을 때는 평소 수련하던 방패와 철퇴를 들고 앞장서기도 했지."

"They're the only literate to leave for Odilita on the day of the brightest moon every year.
Seven rituals were held a day to enter the root of the Kturan.
When war broke out in our country, we took the lead with our usual shields and steel bars."


그리고 뜨거운 모래 폭풍이 당신을 흔적도 없이 삼켜버릴 

 동화  가시나무가 눈물자국으로 얼룩진 소매를 붙잡고 찾아온

아이들을 토닥이다 꿀꺽 삼켜버리는 상상이 들었습니다.

And when a hot sandstorm swallows you without a trace,
The thorny tree in the fairy tale came holding onto the sleeves stained with tears.
I could imagine patting the children and swallowing them.


어째서 나의 유일한 세상이었던 당신의 죽음을 눈앞에 두고

저는 아득한 기억 너머 상상  왕국을 떠올렸을까요?

Why is your death on the verge of being my only world?
Did I think of an imaginary kingdom beyond a distant memory?

"아비를 사막에 묻고  악마" 

"추악한 마녀의 피가 흐르는 괴물"

"Devil buried his father in the desert."
"A monster with the blood of an ugly witch."



내게 입맞추던 충성과 동정이 모두 차가운 온정이었음을 깨달은  

세상에 피로 물들지 않은 왕좌는 없다던 당신의 말이 들려오는 꿈을 꾸었습니다.

그리고 가시나무 크투란의 왕관을   홀로 앉아있는  여인을 보았습니다.

한겨울의 한기를 두른 듯한 차가운  여인이 나였는지는   없었습니다.

The night I realized that both the loyalty and compassion that kissed me were cold warmth.
I dreamed that I could hear you saying that there is no throne in the world that is not blood-stained.
And I saw a woman sitting alone with a crown of thorny tree Kturan.
I didn't know if I was the cold woman in the middle of winter.






"아이들은 매해 가장 어두운 달이 뜨는 오딜리타로 떠나는 유일한 문인 

크투란의 뿌리에서 다시 나와 하루에 일곱 번의 제사를 지냈단다. 

약속의 땅에서 그들처럼 버림받은 여신에게 

은총을 받았다는 그들은  이상 울지 않았다지."

"They're the only literate to leave for Odilita on the darkest day of the year.
He came back from the roots of Kturan and held seven rituals a day.
To the goddess who was abandoned like them in the land of promise.
They didn't cry anymore because they were blessed."



아버지저는 당신과의 추억이 가득한  지하실을 정리하며

어릴  사라진 왕국의 버림받은 아이들이 웃는 소리를 들었습니다.

문득 세상이  지운 것이 얼마나 기쁜지

크투란의 뿌리로 들어가는 아이들의 심정으로

당신을 지켜주지 못한 엘리언의 품을 떠나 약속의 땅을 찾아왔습니다.

Father, I'm cleaning up this basement full of memories with you.
I heard the laughter of abandoned children in a kingdom that disappeared when they were young.
I'm so glad the world erased me.
With the feelings of the children entering the root of the Kturan,
I left the arms of Elian who couldn't protect you and came to the Promised Land.

"델로레 라 실비아

다시 차가운 별이 떠오르리라나의 왕국 칼페온에" 

"Dellore La Silvia
A cold star will rise again in my kingdom of Calpheon."


이제 삶과 죽음에 일그러진 여신의 힘으로

땅에 피를 흩뿌려 나의 것을 되찾으려 하오니

 이름은 프란체스카 세릭칼페온 왕국의 적법한 후계자.

Now, with the power of the goddess distorted by life and death,
I will scatter blood on the ground to restore mine.
My name is Francesca Serik, the legitimate successor to the Kingdom of Calpheon.


나는 창공을 움켜쥔 마지막 독수리요

대지를 굴복시킨 나무의 가시를 품었으니

 절망스러웠던 세상도이제 더는 나를 외면할  없을 것입니다.

I'm the last eagle that grabbed the sky.
I've embraced the thorns of the tree that have brought the earth under.
Even this desperate world will no longer be able to turn away from me.

12월 16일부터 사전생성이 가능하다고 하니까, 꼭 챙겨서 미리 사전생성 해둬야겠어요!

Since it's possible to pre-create it from December 16, I'll make sure to pre-create it!

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